Our Story
In 2000 a group of business owners and executives in the construction industry, led by Mr. John Bennett, employed by Coastal Construction, began meeting informally to discuss pertinent industry issues. Between 2001 – 2002, the group formalized their intentions to start an exclusive association and named it the Construction Executives Association as well as the slogan “Building a Better South Florida.” Originally the group utilized the resources from within the group to cover industry topics related to legal, tax, building strategies, and contract negotiations. The group formed was incorporated under non-profit status and general bylaws were formed by the group and legal counsel.
CEA was run strictly by volunteer members through the fall of 2004. In 2004 CEA was fortunate to hire an administrator to help facilitate our monthly meetings, events, and communication. Over the past 20 years, CEA has added team-building events such as dinners, golf tournaments, and occasional networking events. CEA has been instrumental in educating the Construction and Development industries on facts regarding political issues, encouraging involvement with charity work, and sharing the benefits of giving back to the industry and our local community. CEA’s future will continue to focus on its mission to promote education and information exchange for executives who lead businesses in the South Florida construction and development industry.
CEA now has over 70 executives that faithfully participate monthly at our educational meetings. Membership is by invite only and our members value the opportunity each month to learn from our diverse, talented venue of speakers how to better lead their companies and how to make a difference in the industry and community. Our speakers come from all over the country and topics range from the latest technologies to pressing hot topics in the legislature.